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Aiguille Verte - Face Nord I

Aiguille Verte - Face Nord I

Regular price $73.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $73.00 CAD
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The North Face of Aiguille Verte, including the Couturier and Cordier couloirs, the Grands Montets ice gullies (Frendo-Ravanel, Claire Chazal, La Pépite) and even a few Nant Blanc lines.

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Route List

1: Couloir de la Dépression Occidentale, AD WI4, Merle d’Aubigné, Contamine, 1951

2: Couloir NE du Col Armand Charlet, D WI4, Dillemann, Charlet, Simond, 1932

3: Sortie Directe Herry-Potard, TD WI5, Herry, Potard, 2001

4: 100% Pur Boutch, TD+ WI5 6a, Frendo, Ravanel, 1993

5: Voie Fynn-Goudet, D, Fynn, Goudet, 1895

6: Éperon NE de la Grande Rocheuse, D+, Azéma, Fraissinet, 1946

7: Déambulator, TD- WI4, Moatti, Pélissier, 2008

8: Voie Chevalier-Jourdain, D+ WI3+, Chevalier, Jourdain, 2008

9: Directe de la Face N de la Grande Rocheuse, TD WI4+, Bourges, Mizrahi, 1975

10: La Noire du Pantin, TD- WI4, Cottet, Faita, 2008

11: Almoat, TD-, Albrieux, Moatti, 2008

12: CBG, TD- WI4+, Moatti, Moatti, 2008

13: Vivagel, Suite et Fin, TD WI5, Cieslar, Braguier, Gasienica, 1994

14: Vivagel, TD- WI4, Autheman, Dellavolpe, Vimal, 1992

15: Ouh Yeah, ED- WI5+ M6 A1, Audibert, Degoulet, Guigonnet, Rumebe, 2010

16: Too Late To Say I’m Sorry, ED- WI5+ 5c A2, Jasper, Heller, 1994

17: Voie Bettembourg-Thivierge, TD- WI4, Bettembourg, Thivierge, 1975

18: Couloir Couturier, D, Couturier, Charlet, Simond, 1932

19: Voie Washburn, D+, Washburn, Charlet,Couttet, Devouassoux, 1929

20: Les Z, 5.4 E4, Bruchez, Montaz-Rosset, 2013

21: Voie Ravanel-Frendo, TD+ WI5+ M6 A1, Frendo, Ravanel, 1997

22: Voie Gabarrou-Vogler, TD+, Gabarrou, Vogler, 1981

23: Voie Batoux-Durand, TD+ WI5+ M7, Batoux, Durand, 2007

24: Voie Contamine-Payot, TD-, Contamine, Labrunie, Martin, Payot,  1962

25: Goulotte Grassi-Comino, TD WI4+ X, Comino, Grassi, 1978

26: Goulotte Boivin-Gabarrou, TD WI5 X, Boivin, Gabarrou, 1975

27: Couloir Cordier, D X, Cordier, Middlemore et al., 1876

28: Couloir N de l’Aiguille Carrée, 5.4 E3, Neuenschwander, 1985

29: Frendo-Ravanel, TD- WI5, Frendo, Ravanel, 1993

30: Farraon, TD- WI4+ 6a, Ducroz, du Trémolet, Potard, Potard, 1998

31: Claire Chazal, TD- WI4+ M5, Boudet, Cayrol, Ravanel, 1993

32: Hot and Cold, TD- WI4+, Croft, Renault, 2007

33: Y a pas photo, TD- WI4 M4 4c, Renault, Goujon, 2007

34: Marie-Noëlle, D+ M5+, Gabarrou, Knoertzer, 2011

35: Bonus Malus, D- WI3, Cobus, Gerber, Tramier, 2007

36: Couloir NE de la Pointe Gigord, AD 5a/5.4 E3, Carle, Jonquière, 1935/Neuenschwander, 1985

37: Couloir Chevalier, AD/5.1 E2, Cameré, Chevalier, 1930

38: Éperon Chevalier, D+ M4 4a

39: La Pépite, D- M4, Laurent, Toupin, 2011

40: Brigitte, D M6, Gabarrou, Lansard, Torre-Gabarrou, 2013

41: Arête de la Demi-Lune, AD, Contamine et al., 1960

42: Face Nord de la Petite Aiguille Verte, AD, Contamine, 1959

43: Voie Normale de la Petite Aiguille Verte, PD+, Estéril, Charlet, Charlet, 1886

44: Arête des Grands Montets, D 4c, Dalloz, Lagarde, de Ségogne, 1925

45: Arête Sans Nom, TD- 4c A0, Bozon, Charlet, de Lonchamp, 1926


April 20, 2021: Added 13 routes and redrew most existing lines, updated colors, line thickness and numbering scheme. Removed the Nant Blanc lines that weren't visible enough.

June 23, 2022: Minor graphic update.

March 7, 2024: Minor graphic update.

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