Mount Temple - North Face
Mount Temple - North Face
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If you have ever skied or hiked in Lake Louise, or just driven from Banff to Canmore, Mt Temple is impossible to ignore. "Only" the 11th highest peak of the Canadian Rockies, its north face is a complex 1,500m high wall of rock and ice, and one of the most prized alpine objectives in this part of the world, though rarely climbed due to significant serac danger on most of the routes.
This image also shows several of the Ten Peaks above Moraine Lake, as well as Pinnacle Mountain and Eiffel Peak, and even the stunning Cardiac Arête on the Grand Sentinel.
Note: this is an aerial photo that replaces an older summer image taken from Mt Fairview.
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Route List
1: Aemmer Couloir, D 5.4 45°, Aemmer, Fynn, 1918/Ward, 1979
2: Squashed Bones, D+ 5.8, Briggs, Owens, 2001
3: Sphinx Access Couloir
4: Sphinx Face, TD+ 5.9 A2/M6, Orvig, Robinson, 1988/Relph, 2000s
5: Greenwood-Jones, TD 5.10a/M6, Greenwood, Jones, 1969
6: Hangman’s Ridge, TD+ 5.7 A2, Murdock, O’Dochartaigh, 1999
7: Ice Cliff Face var., TD+ 5.7, Burns, Eastburn, 1976
8: Lowes route, TD 5.7 A1, G. Lowe, J. Lowe, 1970
9: Dolphin Couloir, 54°, Ward, 1996
10: Elzinga-Miller, TD 5.7 WI2, Elzinga, Miller, 1974
11: Stringing up the Lights, TD+ WI4+ M3+ R, Petrauskas, Sullivan, 2021
12: The Bear Bitch Project, ED 5.10 A1, Raymond, West, 2001
13: Greenwood-Locke, TD+ 5.10c/M6, Greenwood, Locke, 1966
14: Slovenian Direct, ED 5.11 A2 WI3, Pockar, Pograjc, Skov, 1988
15: The Icarus Buttress, ED 5.11-, Slawinski, Walsh, 2008
16: Dolphin Access Couloir, MacFarlane, 2013
17: Unnamed Ski Line I, MacFarlane, 2013
18: Unnamed Ski Line II, MacFarlane, 2013
19: Cobra Couloir
20: Northwest Buttress, ED 5.11-, Richardson, Steadman, 2022
21: Southwest Face, PD, Allen, Frissell, Wilcox, 1894
22: Northeast Ridge of Heejee, PD+ 5.4, Fay, Kruszyna, 1961
23: Chouinard Route, AD+ 75°, Carman, Chouinard, Eberl, 1970
24: Central Ice Bulge Direct, AD+ 80°, Johnson, Skreslet, 1976
25: Centre Rock Rib, AD 5.6 50°, Boisselle, Trepanier, 1976
26: West Couloir of Heejee, AD 45°, Kallen, Roth, 1968
27: West Ridge of Heejee, PD 5.3 40°, Coleman, Feuz, Haggith, Kinney, Reid, 1907
28: East Ridge of Shappe, PD, Gest, Häsler, Schnellbacher, 1935
29: Northwest Ridge of Shappe, PD
30: Southeast Ridge of Sagowa, PD-, Kaufmann, Tuzo, 1906
31: Lindic-Leclerc, M7+ WI6+ R, Leclerc, Lindic, 2016
32: North Face of Sagowa, D+ 5.10c, Marshall, Smyth, 1985
33: West Ridge of Sagowa, F
34: East Ridge of Saknwa, D+, Gardner, Locke, 1965
35: Flying Buttress, D+ 5.7, Sole, Vockeroth, 1983
36: North Glacier of Saknwa, D+ 50°, Boles, Farrand, Greenwood, Locke, 1968
37: Supercouloir, TD 5.8/M5 65°, Jones, Lowe, 1973
38: Elzinga-Rogan, TD+ 5.9 A3, Elzinga, Rogan, 1975
39: Northwest Ridge of Saknwa, D+ 5.6, Boles, Greenwood, 1961
40: Northeast Ridge of Pinnacle Mountain, AD- 5.8, Hind, Neave, 1933
41: Cardiac Arête, 5.10d
March 9, 2023: Added the Lindic-Leclerc on Mt Tuzo.
March 7, 2024: Minor graphic update.