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Table Mountain - Africa Ledge

Table Mountain - Africa Ledge

Regular price $117.00 CAD
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Probably the most famous mountain in Africa after Mt Kilimanjaro, Table Mountain is inextricably linked to the bustling city of Cape Town. With its very easy access from the upper or lower cableway station, great rock and varied grades, a lot of the early and modern history of climbing in South Africa has to do with scaling the complex sets of buttresses, gullies and amphitheatres (and grassy ledges) that form the broader Africa Ledge area.

Special thanks to Aidan Bennetts, Hilton Davies and the MCSA for their help with photographing the face and drawing the lines!

Free download link - medium resolution, personal use only (no printing allowed)

Route List

1: Prowling, 26, Halsey, Smith, Steyn, 2012/Halsey, Möhle, 2012
2: Beetle Juice, 22, Halsey, Martinengo, 2013
3: Right Face, 11, Travers-Jackson, Wright, 1899
4: Right Face - Arrow Face Traverse, B, Travers-Jackson, Wright, 1899
5: No Country for Old Men, 23, Abrahams, Hugo, T. Versfeld, 2013
6: Crash of the Titans, 24, Halsey, Steyn, 2013
7: Maverick, 23, Abrahams, T. Versfeld, 2013
8: Unforgiven, 24, Abrahams, T. Versfeld, 2013
9: Walk the Line, 23, Abrahams, T. Versfeld, 2013
10: Shock Treatment, 22, Abrahams, T. Versfeld, 2013
11: The Marlin Boon, 26, Halsey, T. Versfeld, 2013
12: Swordfish Trombone, 22, Abrahams, T. Versfeld, 2013
13: Bohemian Eels, 26, Halsey, Steyn, 2013
14: Jokerman, 23, Abrahams, T. Versfeld, 2013
15: Joko Man, 22, Abrahams, Gowans, Von Hase, T. Versfeld, 2013
16: No Horizon, 24, Halsey, 2012
17: Kape Moss, 22, Halsey, Iliev, 2018
18: Horn of Africa, 26, H. Davies, Halsey, 2018
19: Roof of Africa, 28, Birkett, H. Davies, T. Versfeld, 2018
20: Africa Safari, 22, Birkett, T. Versfeld, 2014
21: Africa Amphitheatre, 20, K. Fletcher, Hartley, Williams, 1967/R. Barley, T. Barley, Hartley
22: Africa Unchained, 25, H. Davies, T. Versfeld, 2020
23: Africa Face, 13, Cobern, Florence Humphries, Frank Humphries, Stanford, 1915
24: Africa Nose, 16, Chadwick, Keen, Russel, Schaff, Shipley, 1948
25: Africa Cleft, 15, B. Fletcher, Quail, White, 1962
26: Redback, 25/26, Halsey, Smith, 2016
27: Daddy Long Legs, 27, Halsey, Lipinska, Wakeling, 2016/Lipinska, Martinengo, 2016
28: Barking Spider, 28/29, Smith, 2016
29: Africa Bust Up, 19, Hughes, Levy, 1971
30: Golden Orb, 28R, Halsey, Smith, 2016
31: David and Goliath, 26R, Birkett, T. Versfeld, 2002
32: Black Widow, 25, Halsey, Lipinska, Theron, 2015
33: The Huntsman, 25, Halsey, Martinengo, 2015
34: Incy Wincy Spider, 29, Lipinska, Steyn, 2015
35: Uber Huber, 26, Dick, T. Versfeld, 2005
36: Africa Eyelash, 16, Fletcher, White, 1960
37: Atrocity Exhibition, 28, Fisher, 1990
38: The Squeal Deal, 24, Bird, Halsey, 2018
39: Hole in my Sole, 24, H. Davies, Paterson-Jones, 2015
40: Flaky Dog, 21, Breyer, Edelstein, 2007
41: Odd Squeakers Shouting, 24, Halsey, 2017
42: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 30, Hartley, Lomax, 1977/Colenso, Vercueil, 1991
43: Dynamite, 26 A1, K. Fletcher, Hartley, 1969
44: Darkest Africa, 31/32, Möhle, 2012
45: Can-Can, 20, MacLachlan, Smithers, 2012
46: Africa Crag, 15, van Breda, A. Cameron, B. Cameron, Grendon, Sluman, Smith, 1936
47: Africa Gullet, 17, K. Fletcher, Goedknegt, 1961
48: Africa Cracks, 16, Butler, Kaye, Mamacos, Weir, 1949
49: Africa Wall, 16, Biesheuvel, Burton, Jones, Shipley, 1942
50: Oddshouters Outing, 22, R. Barley, Smithers, 1979/R. Barley, Forsyth, Scott, 1979
51: Atlantic Crag, 18, Anderson, Bell, Mamacos, O’Neill, 1951
52: Local Legend, 24, A. Davies, H. Davies, Havenga, 2011
53: Africa Scandal, 21, Baillie, Boyes, Clark, Gruft, Honikman, 1960 
54: African Lunch, 23, Roux, Rust, T. Versfeld, 2000
55: Out to Lunch, 24, Roux, Rust, T. Versfeld, 2000
56: Synapse, 27, T. Versfeld, 2001
57: Dynamighty, 28, Bush, 2013
58: Africa Arête, 25, Birkett, T. Versfeld, 1998
59: African Rain Dance, 22, Colenso, H. Davies, 2018
60: Huge Big Monster, 31, Martinengo, 2011
61: Moonrake, 16, Baillie, Cliff, Mamacos, 1962 
62: Arrow Face, 11, Travers-Jackson, 1897
63: India Venster, B
64: Arrow Final, 11, Chignall, 1893
65: Africa Edge, 22, Breyer, Dick, Edelstein, 2009
66: Victims of Comfort, 29, Möhle, 2011
67: Magnetic Wall, 23, Hartley, Hughes, Levy, Scott, 1971/H. Davies, Peterson-Jones, 2014
68: Quake, 23, Rust, D. Versfeld, T. Versfeld, 1999
69: Touch and Go, 20, B. Fletcher, Williams, White, 1961
70: TATWOC, 25, Edelstein et al., 2008
71: Cableway Crag, 16, Butler, Mamacos, 1949
72: Farewell to Arms, 21, Cheesmond, D. Davies, 1978
73: Arms Race, 23, February, de Klerk, Lacey, 1982
74: Space Race, 23R, H. Davies, Paterson-Jones, 2012
75: The Dream, 21, D. Davies, Kelfkins, Lacey, 1979
76: La Vida, 21, Daniel, H. Davies, 2009

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